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Our refuges provide a safe place for women on their own and women with children who are escaping domestic abuse. There are 14 bedrooms across 2 residential units that provide emergency accommodation. The houses can accommodate 14 women and up to 24 children at any one time. Both houses are at confidential locations across the city. There is no time limit on how long a woman or family can stay at the refuge. Some women stay for a few days others stay for many months. Some women decide that they would like support to look at new housing, and other women choose to return once safety measures have been put in place.

To get a space in our refuge you will need to go through the referral process, one of the ways you can make a referral is by contacting Greater Manchester Helpline 0800 254 0909.
Specialist staff are based at the refuge, they help women and children to overcome the impacts of domestic abuse and offer a range of practical and emotional support. All women in the refuge are there due to experiencing domestic abuse, and women often find having this shared experience useful and supportive.

Who can access a refuge?

Domestic abuse affects women from every class, race, and religion, regardless of disability or sexuality. Women who are fleeing domestic abuse from a male partner, same sex partner or family member, and women at risk of forced marriage, and HBV (honour based violence) are all able to refer into our refuge service. 

what should i bring to the refuge?

It may be that you are unable to retrieve any belongings before coming to the refuge. If this is the case we can provide you with basics such as toiletries and food. We can also offer further help with securing benefits etc. If you choose, we can then work with you to look at options around retrieving your belongings at a later date. However if you are able to bring belongings with you the following might be useful:

  • Proof of Identify – Passport / Driving License

  • Bank / Post Office Card / money

  • Photographs and items of great sentimental value

  • Clothes for yourself and children

  • Important paper-work

  • Medication

what help will i get at the refuge?

Women are allocated a Key-Worker who offers one to one Key-Working Sessions. This is a chance for women to explore their options and work out what they would like to do next.


Support can be offered around:

  • Housing

  • Finances

  • Emotional Issues

  • Children

  • Physical Health / Well Being

  • Employment / Training

  • Legal Matters

  • Immigration

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