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Welcome to Salford WOMEN'S AID
Here to help and support women and children who are affected by domestic abuse.
Everyone has the right to live their life free from fear, violence, and abuse.
Sometimes it is difficult to know what is happening and you can feel confused and unsure about whether you are in an abusive relationship and the options available to you. You may feel frightened, humiliated and isolated.
Domestic violence/abuse is the systematic use of power and coercive control in an intimate or family setting. The violence and abuse can take many forms, including intimidation, threats, isolation, physical and sexual violence, verbal abuse and manipulation, psychological and financial abuse, and spiritual abuse. An abuser wants to exert power and control over his/her victim. Domestic violence is most commonly experienced by women and perpetrated by men. It is repetitive and life-threatening and can destroy women's and children's lives.
At Salford Women’s Aid, we provide safe temporary accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic abuse, with access to one-to-one emotional and practical support.
All women have the right to live a life free from violence. Salford Women’s Aid in partnership with other agencies work to support migrant women who have experienced domestic abuse and who have no recourse to public funds.
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